Future of Mobility - TrEx
Project Title: Transformative Mobility Experiments
Project Acronym: TrEx
This project area is supported by multiple experts from TUM and SAP
The MCube lighthouse project Transformative Mobility Experiments (TrEx) aims to systematically understand experiments for sustainable and scalable mobility transformations, develop them in a participatory way, test them in a business-oriented way, and strengthen them with new tools and perspectives. TrEx sees experiments and crisis experiences of various types as key to the transformation of mobility.
Specifically, TrEx addresses three types of experiments that are of great relevance for mobility transformations and will be considered carefully and in a differentiated manner:
(1) Natural Experiments and Crisis Experiences,
(2) Everyday World (Social) Experiments, and
(3) Innovation Experiments and Reallabs.
By the end of the term, we will develop new solutions to similar challenges at different scales -- from the citizen to urban neighborhoods, to the large enterprise.
As an outcome of the project, we aim to develop experiences for urban resilience, prototypes for citizen-centered transformation scenarios, and the iterative development of standardized processes for economically connectable, responsible, and safe implementation of mobility innovations.
On the one hand, TrEx focuses on the process level, where new procedures are developed, for example, for the safe and standardised use of real laboratories or complex data architectures.
Project Start: 2021
Project End: 2024
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Pfotenhauer, Carl von Linde Professur für Innovationsforschung, TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology
Dr. Alexander Wentland, Head of the “Transforming Mobility and Society” (TraMS) Lab, TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology