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SAP Science Pitch Q1/22 - Talks on Business Analytics

Last week, SAP hosted the 2nd edition of the SAP Science Pitch - a format similar to science slams. Organized by the Industry-University Collaboration Hub at SAP Labs Munich, students from TU Munich are given the opportunity to hold an entertaining talk about their research projects in front of an…

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SAP Student Award 2021

On Friday 3rd December 2021, the Absolventenfest/graduation ceremony of the TUM Department of Informatics took place. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation, it happened in a hybrid format with a couple of selected prize winners, speakers, and a great band on location, and most of the graduates…

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SAP joined the MCube Kickoff - Munich Cluster for the future of Mobility in Metropolitan Regions

General: SAP supports MCube, the Munich Cluster for the future of Mobility in Metropolitan Regions, and joined the kickoff on the 20th & 21st of January 2022. The keynote was presented by Maria Tsavachidis at EIT Urban Mobility about social goals and adjacent problems in mobility entrepreneurship…

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TUM Speaker Series

Discussing the future of digitalization and technology as a multiplier for sustainability with Thomas Saueressig (member of the SAP SE Executive Board and responsible for SAP Product Engineering) and Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoffmann (TUM President)  . Addressing students in the university's Audimax main…

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New cohort of the SAP STAR student program

The renowned SAP STAR (Student Training and Rotation) program started in March its second cohort in exclusive partnership with TUM. In addition to the excellent academic education at TUM, STAR offers the students the opportunity to rotate into multiple teams at SAP Labs Munich, receiving on-the-job…