We are excited to announce, that we had the opportunity to visit the construction site of our new office building in Garching on 27.01.2023. We had the honor to invite the 15 Early Talents to an unforgettable event, where we get the chance to have a guided tour through the construction site of our…
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As part of the cooperation between SAP and the Technical University of Munich, the SAP/TUM ESG Finance Lab, or STEFL for short, five student teams presented the (interim-) results of their project studies and shared exciting insights:
1. Digital Carbon Reporting: How to treat Scope 3 - CO2…
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On Friday 2nd of December 2022, the Absolventenfest/graduation ceremony of the TUM Department of Informatics took place.
After 2 years of COVID-19 situation, it finally happened onsite with a couple of selected prize winners, speakers, and a great band on location, and most of the graduates…
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On November 23, we had the first SAP@TUM Collaboration Day which was celebrated at the Garching campus of the Technical University of Munich.
This day celebrated the long-standing research collaboration between SAP and the TUM, where selected projects were presented to a wider circle of interested…
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SAP was the gold sponsor of this year’s Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Conference (MSOM) that took place in Munich between June 26-28 2022.
Researchers from the best universities and business schools in the world presented their work in the area of operations research and…
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SAP hosted the 3rd edition of the SAP Science Pitch - a format similar to science slams. Organized by the Industry-University Collaboration Hub at SAP Labs Munich, students from TU Munich (TUM) are given the opportunity to hold an entertaining talk about their research projects in front of an SAP…
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A hot topic in Machine Learning is Graph Neural Networks and how they can be used in various application domains, e.g. in the context of optimization. We are therefore grateful that we have been able to win Prof. Dr. Stephan Günnemann for a very interesting and inspiring presentation about aspects…
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SAP sponsored the hackaTUM 2021 as a platinum sponsor and provided a challenge about "Business Analytics meets Generation Z". A lot of the participating students visited the SAP booth which was run together with colleagues from SAP HR, Industry-University Collaboration, and University Alliances.
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SAP's Mobile Experience Unit (MXE) supports the iPraktikum with a challenge around indoor & outdoor navigation. The TUM students will be mentored by experienced SAP developers. The Design Review is planned to happen on 22.6.2022.
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From April 2nd – 7th 2022, the ETAPS (European Joint Conferences On Theory & Practice of Software) took place in a hybrid setup. Over 300 on-site participants arrived in Munich for the talks and events. This year, software developers from the SAP ABAP Platform got the opportunity to participate in…
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