Experimental and analytical investigations of the removal of spatters by various process gases during the powder bed fusion of metals using a laser beam
Siegfried Baehr, Tobias Klecker, Sebastian Pielmeier, Thomas Ammann, Prof. Michael F. Zaeh
Progress in Additive Manufacturing, 2023
Experimental and numerical investigations of the hot cracking susceptibility during the powder bed fusion of AA 7075 using a laser beam
Andreas Wimmer, Hannes Panzer, Christopher Zoeller, Stefan Adami, Prof. Nikolaus A. Adams, Prof. Michael F. Zaeh
Progress in Additive Manufacturing, 2023
Multi-fidelity Bayesian optimization to solve the inverse Stefan problem
J. M. Winter, R. Abaidi, J.W.J. Kaiser, Stefan Adami, Prof. Nikolaus A. Adams
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2023
A partitioned continuous surface stress model for multiphase smoothed particle hydrodynamics
Christopher Zöller, Prof. Nikolaus A. Adams, Stefan Adami
Journal of Computational Physics, 2023
Investigations of process by-products by means of Schlieren imaging during the powder bed fusion of metals using a laser beam
Siegfried Baehr, Lukas Melzig, Dominik Bauer, Thomas Ammann, Prof. Michael F. Zaeh
Journal of Laser Applications, 2022
Neue aluminiumbasierte Pulverwerkstoffe für die Additive Fertigung
Siegfried Bähr, Thomas Ammann, Pierre Forêt, Andreas Bachmann und Michael F. Zäh
Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 2021
Influence of Different Process Gases on AlSi10Mg Parts Processed by LPBF - Microstructure and Mechanical Properties
Siegfried Bähr, Thomas Ammann, Graham Matheson, Alper Evirgen, Pierre Forêt, Andreas Bachmann, Prof. Michael F. Zaeh
Euro PM2020 Proceedings, 2020